Tag Archives | Waiting

Seafood During Pregnancy

If you sell seafood at your restaurant, you will inevitably come in contact with pregnant women concerned whether or not it is safe. During pregnancy the only thing you get more than designer baby clothes that the child won’t be able to appreciate is advice on what not to eat. Seafood is confusing to expectant […]

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The Upside of Dating Co-Workers

(Note: This is part two of the point/counter-point of dating co-workers.  In part one I recalled the painful situations I have seen and experienced over the years.  Taking the side of dating co-workers is our resident Spanish language adviser and PhD candidate Senor Esparza.  He takes the position that it is in fact beneficial to […]

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Supply, Demand, and Chicken Wings

Yesterdays post on extra charges for the various items a guest requests caused me to ponder on a larger scale.  It is remarkably common to hear guests say, could buy that steak/wine/etc at the store for half that much.  This is the same principle as walking into a classic car dealership and demanding a price […]

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Extras and Upcharges

I received a message the other day from a friend and reader of the blog who is not in the business. She recounted going out to eat and asking for a few extras. When the bill came it was filled with minor charges for each of the items she requested. Her concern was not that […]

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Foil To Go: The Shark

It’s “Shark Week” from all indications. The time when a certain television network rolls out a weeks worth of shark related shows that everyone feels the need to watch and discuss over dinner at my restaurant.  Personally I would love to see the same principle used on “National Debt Week” or “Health Insurance Reform Week” […]

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