It’s “Shark Week†from all indications. The time when a certain television network rolls out a weeks worth of shark related shows that everyone feels the need to watch and discuss over dinner at my restaurant. Personally I would love to see the same principle used on “National Debt Week†or “Health Insurance Reform Week†[…]
Tag Archives | Waiter

Fun Crab Facts and Jokes
They say you gotta give the people what they want. In this case it seems to be crabs. The number of searches I have seen this week that landed on my crab post is overwhelming. So I decided to revisit my favorite decapods. The previous post was a bit more scientific and specific. Today, I […]
Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar
Regular readers of this blog may have realized already that I hate getting stumped by my guests. I have spent thousands of hours researching food to prevent this from happening. Last night I was asked a question so simple I should have known the answer. They asked me what makes vinegar “balsamic.â€Â One theory was […]
The Rules of Serving: Rule Six
Rule Six: Never spend money you haven’t made.  I am glad July of 2010 is behind me. I cannot recall a month that was less lucrative in my serving career. My income dropped by well over 50% last month. Unbearable heat combined with a disproportionate number of patio shifts took a chunk out of […]

Retiring Jokes
I was 13 years old back in 1988. I know who Flo Jo and Greg Louganis are. I will never misspell potato. I remember President Reagan. I had a crush on Jessica Rabbit. I saw Rattle and Hum on my 13th birthday because it was rated PG-13.  My girlfriend taught me to dirty dance, but […]

- The Greatest Customer Complaint Response Ever September 23, 2010
- Why Not To Date Co-Workers August 14, 2010
- A Food Critic Intervention August 31, 2010
- My Response: 25 Things Chefs Never Tell You September 16, 2010
- Serving Sober October 14, 2010
- Hiring Restaurant Servers In A Strong Economy August 30, 2024
- What can I do to increase my online rank August 9, 2017
- Should Restaurant Servers Post Credit Card Receipts? October 23, 2013
- SD WAN Technology May 23, 2013
- Transitioning From A Restaurant Manager To A Restaurant Server March 19, 2013
- Becki: As a server on sabbatical, I will say you were FAR...
- career server: The loser is the server who serves a table whose s...
- David Hayden: I found out about it when a friend who manages at ...
- Debbie Morella-Haynes: "This may seem like good news for servers, but it...
- Sugel: 6) Hours- This is a huge quality for life factor f...
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About The Author
David Hayden was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. He took his first serving job in 1996. Since that time, he has worked for over a dozen different restaurant companies. He has held both hourly and salaried positions at independent and corporate restaurants. He has waited on over 100,000 guests and trained hundreds of servers. He has been named "Best Server in Kansas City" the last three years by the local weekly paper.