Tag Archives | Service

Understanding French Sauces (Part Two)

Celebrity chefs seem to be everywhere today.  If you are a foodie, you can probably name a handful off the top of your head.  They have their own TV shows, books, and websites.  Entire networks are built upon the idea of bringing you the next celebrity chef.  Reality shows feature aspiring chefs competing to be […]

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In Defense of Selling as a Server (Part Three)

Selling is a complex topic.  In the first part of this series, I discussed how most managers and corporations fail to encourage servers to sell in the right way. The second part dealt with the fact that we are all salespeople and in fact selling is part of hospitality.  If you haven’t read part two […]

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In Defense of Selling as a Server (Part Two)

You are a salesperson.  I have never met you, but I am confident in that statement.  By way of explanation let me say that Sunday night I had one of the greatest nights of my life.  I saw Michael Franti and Spearhead perform and it was the greatest concert I have ever attended.  I have […]

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In Defense of Selling as a Server (Part One)

Search engine results are one of the most amusing parts of writing a blog.  I get to see what people are searching for that lands them on this page.  Almost every day someone lands on this page looking for sales techniques.  Upon closer examination I am seeing a trend of the phrasing of the searches.  […]

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Job Hunting: The Do’s and Don’ts

Job hunting is like going to the dentist. Nobody really likes it, but if you avoid it long enough eating becomes difficult. Filling out a pile of applications asking the same questions in hopes that one of them will land you a job can be a real pain in the neck. Unfortunately, this is still […]

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