Tag Archives | how to be a better restaurant manager

Cost vs Profit

In a previous post about why restaurants charge for different extras, I discussed the difference between the guest’s perception of profits and reality.  It is not uncommon to hear a guest say, “I can buy this for half as much at the grocery store.”  The problem is that food in a restaurant carries far more […]

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Supply, Demand, and Chicken Wings

Yesterdays post on extra charges for the various items a guest requests caused me to ponder on a larger scale.  It is remarkably common to hear guests say, could buy that steak/wine/etc at the store for half that much.  This is the same principle as walking into a classic car dealership and demanding a price […]

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The Evolution of Free Bread

In the far corner of Southeast Missouri is a town called Sikeston.  If you have heard of Sikeston, MO it is probably because of a restaurant called Lambert’s Café.  I’ve eaten at Lambert’s a number of times over the years, but don’t recall what I had.  I always remember the food being good, but nothing […]

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Spotting The Complaint

One of the difficulties of the frantic posting regimen I have taken upon myself is trying to come up with new and interesting things to write about.  I want this blog to be informative and provide real world tips that you can apply on your next shift to make more money.  This is one of […]

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In Defense of Selling as a Server (Part One)

Search engine results are one of the most amusing parts of writing a blog.  I get to see what people are searching for that lands them on this page.  Almost every day someone lands on this page looking for sales techniques.  Upon closer examination I am seeing a trend of the phrasing of the searches.  […]

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