Tag Archives | eating out

Please Remain Calm

It happens every year. There is a phenomenon that I have never understood that is taking place.  It defies all logic, but occurs annually like clockwork. It can only be summarized at a collective freak out that sweeps most of the nation simultaneously without anyone acknowledging it. People stop eating out for the first two […]

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Food Allergies: A Responsible Approach

I have one hard and fast rule when it comes to waiting tables.  No one dies on my watch.  I have had several guests leave the restaurant in an ambulance, but none of them have died.  It is a simple thing, but it helps me sleep better at night.  I may not be changing the […]

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Aspirational Dining in a Recession

(Note: In the previous post I defined the growing market segment of “aspirational dining” restaurants.  This is valuable background to this post and merits a read.) What sets the “aspirational dining” market segment apart was their creation of the perception that their food cost more because it was worth more.  This perception is what made […]

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