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Have You Done Your Rollups?

Last night I was thinking about rollups.  Over the course of my serving career I have done a few rollups.  I started wondering exactly how many I had done though.  I opened up an excel spreadsheet and set out to determine how many I had done over the years.  The answer surprised me. I have […]

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Please Remain Calm

It happens every year. There is a phenomenon that I have never understood that is taking place.  It defies all logic, but occurs annually like clockwork. It can only be summarized at a collective freak out that sweeps most of the nation simultaneously without anyone acknowledging it. People stop eating out for the first two […]

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And This Is How It Ends

Four years ago, I took a big step up in restaurants to start my current job.  A co-worker’s girlfriend recommended me to her boss.  I interviewed and was hired on the spot.  I still remember the way it felt walking into the restaurant for that interview.  How impressive the building was.  How professional the staff […]

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Avoiding The Write-Up

  Today, I want to share a feat that I quite frankly feel is remarkable.  I don’t want to sound as if I am bragging, but this is something that might be worth it.  I work for a corporately owned restaurant and have for nearly four years.  This means that I have an employee file […]

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What Goes Around

The restaurant industry is a much smaller world than you would think sometimes.  There are approximately 2.3 million servers in America at any given time.  This is a constantly changing pool though as people get out of the industry or gets promoted within it.  Approximately one out of every eighty working Americans is a server.  […]

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