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I Make A Mean Cherry Limeade

If my tombstone was written by coworkers, guests, or bartenders it would read, “Here lies Dave, he made a mean cherry limeade.”  I have declared this to every table I have served in the last three years.  When you order a cherry limeade at my restaurant, the chit prints up at the bar with simply […]

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Independent living for the Elderly

Independent living is simply any housing arrangement designed exclusively for older adults in their own homes. It doesn’t mean someone is living alone but rather they live alone and their spouse is often the primary caregiver. An example of an independent living program would be a house with a basement suite for elderly tenants. It’s […]

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Using Words That Sell

In nearly every training manual, at nearly every restaurant, there is a section on using adjectives to sell.  This is often the extent of the sales training in them.  They encourage you to use words like “awesome” and “incredible” to sell the food to guests.  The authors of the manuals picture an army of servers […]

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